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Most of Decorum’s regular contributors have backgrounds in academe, law, public policy, and journalism—realms in which the twenty-first-century culture wars have taken their greatest toll. We believe that the progress of civil society rests on the right of citizens to speak freely, and to dissent. We take as self-evident that it is possible, indeed desirable, to agree to disagree.

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Analysis & Opinion


Robert Wright teaches history at Trent University, where he holds rank as Vanier Professor.
Mark Entwistle has served as Press Secretary to the Prime Minister and as Canada's Ambassador to Cuba. He is presently Managing Director of two advisory firms.
Jeff Fynn-Paul is an economic historian with an interest in the history of democracy. He lives in The Hague.
Professor, Department of Political Science St Francis Xavier University, Fellow, Brian Mulroney Institute of Government
A.J. Rowley writes and lives in Toronto, Ontario.
I am a sociologist & author of 26 books, which are translated into 16 languages. At present my writings are focused on developing the intellectual resources for challenging the influence of the infantilised turn of western society.
Freya India is a writer based in England.